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How To Make Butter at Home (One Ingredient)


How To Make Butter at Home (One Ingredient)

How to make butter at home with just ONE ingredient - deliciously creamy homemade butter that takes only 5 minutes to whip up!
Freezer friendly1 Year
Shelf life1 Week
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Servings16 tbsp (1 cup)

  • Stand mixer or electric whisk


  • 2 cups fresh cream or heavy cream or double cream


Method One - The Stand Mixer:

  • Place the cream in the stand mixer and mix. The cream will go through 3 stages when turning into butter; whipped cream, stiff peaks, and finally butter. You'll know when it's ready as the fat solids will have completely separated from the liquid into our familiar buttery consistency.* 
  • The next step is to remove all of the buttermilk from the butter.** First drain the buttermilk from the mixer bowl into another container, and then I fill a bowl with ice-cold water, place my butter in a sieve and submerge into the icy water. Using a spatula or your hands, press the butter to thoroughly rinse it.
  • You'll notice that the water will become milky so I usually repeat this process a couple of times, until the water is clear. ***
  • Once the butter is ready, then you can choose to stir in some salt or additional flavors, before popping it into a butter dish and leaving to chill.

Method Two - A Mason jar:

  • This mason jar method works on that principle. Simply add your cream to the jar, close the lid and shake, shake, shake. Unfortunately, this method will take a bit longer and will definitely be a bit of an arm workout. I suggest making sure everyone in the household has a go, and it'll be ready in no time!
  • Once ready, just follow the process of removing the buttermilk as described above, and your butter is ready.

How To Store:

  • Homemade butter will last different amounts of time, depending on whether it is salted or unsalted. Unsalted butter may last around a week in the fridge or 6 months in the freezer, whereas salted butter can last up to three weeks in the fridge or 12 months in the freezer.
    I've found that it can last longer, too - but the above are general guidelines. 
  • The best way to freeze your homemade butter is to keep it stored within an airtight freezer-friendly container of wrapped tightly in beeswax wrap and then even placed into a silicone freezer bag too, for extra protection from freezer burn.
  • To defrost the butter: simply leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Alternatively, you can pop it in the microwave for increments of 10-15 seconds, flipping over in-between, until softened.


*The liquid is actually buttermilk and can be saved to use in a variety of ways. You can read more about that on my Herby Butter post.
** Buttermilk contains casein, which will cause your butter to spoil sooner, as it will putrify when oxidized.
***You could also have placed some of the ice water into the food processor with the butter after the initial drain, blending for a further 30 seconds, then draining and pressing the liquid out of the butter. Either method will work.
Other Notes:
  • For even creamier butter, pour your cream into a bowl and add two heaped tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mix thoroughly and leave it out overnight. The cream can then be whipped into butter the next morning with super creamy results!
  • For a list of ways to use the leftover buttermilk & options to flavor your butter then check out this Compound Butter post.